Sunday, April 12, 2009

PIC 18F452 Microcontroller

PIC 18F452 Microcontroller

The PIC 18F452 is a 28/40 pin high perfomance flash based microcontrollers with 32 Kbytes of program memory and 1.5Kbytes of RAM. Also 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory is provided to store data. The 18F452 microcontroller operates from DC to 40 MHz clock/oscillator input with 16 bit instructions and two priority levels for interrupts. One of the main additional feature of this microcontroller is its 8 * 8 single cycle hardware multiplier. This will make multiplication easier and faster than the software routines used in previous controllers like 16 F series.

Peripheral Features :

1. PSP( Parallel Slave Port) Module

2. USART module - Supports both RS-232 and RS-485 communication

3. MSSP(Master Synchronous Serial Port ) Module – Supporting both I2C and SPI

4. Three external interrupt pins

5. Timer0 Module with 8/16 bits timer/counter with programmable prescaler

6. Timer1 Module is a 16 bit timer/counter

7. Timer2 Module is a 8 bits timer/counter with 8 bit period register

8. Timer 3 Module is a 16 bit timer/counter

9. The values of sinking current and sourcing current is very high and is rated at 25mA

10. Two CCP( Capture Compare PWM) modules with 16 bits Capture Input and maximum of 10 bits PWM resolution

11. Ten bit ADC( Analog to Digital Conversion) with high sampling rate and linearity of less than 1 LSb

12. Supports In Circuit Debugging ( ICD) via two pins – PGD and PGC

13. 5 Volt ICSP( In Circuit Serial Programming ) via two pins – PGD and PGC

14. Programmable Code Protection and power saving SLEEP mode

15. WDT( Watch Dog Timer) with own RC oscillator for reliable operation

16. Flash memory supports 1,000,00 write/erase cycles

17. Data EEPROM with 1,000,000 write/erase cycles

18. Power-on-Reset(POR), Power-up-Timer(PWRT),and Oscillator Start – up – Timer(OST)
Theis PIC18F452 microcontroller is available in various packages like DIP(Dual Inline Package),PLCC( Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier), and TQFP( Tetra Quad Flat Package)

The total number of interrupt sources in 18F452 microcontroller is 18, with an instruction set having 75 instructions unlike 35 instructions in 16 F series.

The I/O ports in the microcontroller is divided into 5 ports like 16 F series :- PORTA(6 pins), PORTB(8 pins), PORTC(8 pins),PORTD(8 pins) and PORTE(3 pins).

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